* Copyright (c) 2016-2019 Yawg project contributors.
package com.varmateo.yawg.core;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.InvalidPathException;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException;
import io.vavr.Function1;
import io.vavr.collection.Seq;
import io.vavr.collection.Stream;
import com.varmateo.yawg.api.YawgException;
import com.varmateo.yawg.spi.PageVars;
import com.varmateo.yawg.spi.PageVarsBuilder;
import com.varmateo.yawg.util.GlobMatcher;
import com.varmateo.yawg.util.SimpleMap;
import com.varmateo.yawg.util.YamlParser;
* Reads the baker configuration for one given directory.
/* default */ final class DirBakeOptionsDao {
private static final String CONF_FILE_NAME = ".yawg.yml";
private static final String PARAM_BAKER_TYPES = "bakerTypes";
private static final String PARAM_EXCLUDE = "exclude";
private static final String PARAM_EXCLUDE_HERE = "excludeHere";
private static final String PARAM_INCLUDE_HERE = "includeHere";
private static final String PARAM_TEMPLATE = "template";
private static final String PARAM_PAGE_VARS = "pageVars";
private static final String PARAM_PAGE_VARS_HERE = "pageVarsHere";
private static final String PARAM_TEMPLATES_HERE = "templatesHere";
private static final String PARAM_EXTRA_DIRS_HERE = "extraDirsHere";
public DirBakeOptionsDao() {
// Nothing to do.
* Builds the baker configuration for the given directory.
* @param parentConf The configuration from which we will inherit
* values.
* @param sourceDir The directory for which we are going to create
* the baker conf.
* @return The bake configuration for the given source directory.
* @throws YawgException Thrown if the configuration file could
* not be read or had syntax problems.
public DirBakeOptions loadFromDir(final Path sourceDir)
throws YawgException {
final Path confFile = sourceDir.resolve(CONF_FILE_NAME);
return Files.isRegularFile(confFile)
? loadFromFile(confFile)
: DirBakeOptions.empty();
public DirBakeOptions loadFromFile(final Path confFile) {
final DirBakeOptions result;
try {
result = doLoadFromFile(confFile);
} catch ( IOException e ) {
throw DirBakeOptionsDaoException.loadConfigFailure(confFile, e);
return result;
private DirBakeOptions doLoadFromFile(final Path confFile)
throws IOException {
final DirBakeOptions result;
try ( Reader reader = Files.newBufferedReader(confFile, StandardCharsets.UTF_8) ) {
result = read(reader);
return result;
public DirBakeOptions read(final Reader reader)
throws IOException {
final SimpleMap confMap = YamlParser.parse(reader);
final DirBakeOptions.Builder builder = DirBakeOptions.builder();
getPatternList(confMap, PARAM_EXCLUDE)
getPatternList(confMap, PARAM_EXCLUDE_HERE)
getPatternList(confMap, PARAM_INCLUDE_HERE)
getBakerTypes(confMap, PARAM_BAKER_TYPES)
getPageVars(confMap, PARAM_PAGE_VARS)
getPageVars(confMap, PARAM_PAGE_VARS_HERE)
getTemplatesHere(confMap, PARAM_TEMPLATES_HERE)
getPathList(confMap, PARAM_EXTRA_DIRS_HERE)
return builder.build();
private Optional<GlobMatcher> getPatternList(
final SimpleMap confMap,
final String key)
throws YawgException {
final Function1<Seq<String>, GlobMatcher> itemsToGlobMatcher = items ->
(xs, x) -> addToGlobBuilder(xs, x._1, x._2, key))
return confMap.getList(key, String.class)
private static GlobMatcher.Builder addToGlobBuilder(
final GlobMatcher.Builder builder,
final String glob,
final Integer index,
final String key) {
try {
return builder.addGlobPattern(glob);
} catch ( PatternSyntaxException e ) {
throw DirBakeOptionsDaoException.invalidGlob(glob, index, key);
private Optional<BakerMatcher> getBakerTypes(
final SimpleMap map,
final String key)
throws YawgException {
final Optional<BakerMatcher> result;
final Optional<SimpleMap> bakerTypesMapOpt = map.getMap(key);
if ( bakerTypesMapOpt.isPresent() ) {
final SimpleMap bakerTypesMap = bakerTypesMapOpt.get();
final BakerMatcher.Builder builder = BakerMatcher.builder();
for ( String bakerType : bakerTypesMap.keySet() ) {
getPatternList(bakerTypesMap, bakerType)
.ifPresent(m -> builder.addBakerType(bakerType, m));
result = Optional.of(builder.build());
} else {
result = Optional.empty();
return result;
private Optional<PageVars> getPageVars(
final SimpleMap confMap,
final String key)
throws YawgException {
return confMap
.map(pageVarsMap ->
private Optional<TemplateNameMatcher> getTemplatesHere(
final SimpleMap map,
final String key)
throws YawgException {
final Optional<TemplateNameMatcher> result;
final Optional<SimpleMap> templatesHereMapOpt = map.getMap(key);
if ( templatesHereMapOpt.isPresent() ) {
final SimpleMap templatesHereMap = templatesHereMapOpt.get();
final TemplateNameMatcher.Builder builder = TemplateNameMatcher.builder();
for ( String templateName : templatesHereMap.keySet() ) {
final GlobMatcher globMatcher =
getPatternList(templatesHereMap, templateName).get();
builder.addTemplateName(templateName, globMatcher);
result = Optional.of(builder.build());
} else {
result = Optional.empty();
return result;
private Optional<Seq<Path>> getPathList(
final SimpleMap confMap,
final String key)
throws YawgException {
return confMap
.getList(key, String.class)
.map(itemSeq ->
.map(tuple -> buildPath(tuple._1, tuple._2, key)));
private static Path buildPath(
final String pathStr,
final Integer index,
final String key) {
try {
return Paths.get(pathStr);
} catch ( InvalidPathException e ) {
throw DirBakeOptionsDaoException.invalidPath(pathStr, index, key);